Castle Blackstone - Level 1 "The landing zone
Here's level 1 of the dungeon. It includes the reception for the "inner circle" type club of magic-y bullshit happening on level 2, various oddities like magic obelisks and pools of waters that serve as portals, monster settlements and foreshadows to deeper levels via magical elevator halls and closed off passageways.
I really enjoyed this portion of the dungeon's creation because anything could go, themes weren't set and there was no real need to explain why things where in their place yet. Things like the stated portals, obelisk or the giant restroom full of feces golems. A lot of ways up and down as well, this was also the moment I realize exactly how huge a megadungeon actually is if at level 1 you're already going down multiple levels and breaking off into sub levels.
Castle Blackstone - Sub-level 1a "Upper Armories of the Third Deep"
Still WIP (You see that big ass hall going off the map don't you?). So far i've decided this portion is going to display the later decision by the Dungeon's creator to bring on Dwarven workers (Humanoid insects artificially created during the Star Federation Era of my setting)
Hexagonal flagstones, a clinical and symmetrial architecture mark the whole sub-level but are evident especially in bis ass hall right here. Along with that, there's less upkeep here and a lot more hidden treasure in greater quantities but inversely more monsters skulking about.
Oh yeah a river runs through this level as well. 🧙🏽♂️
Underground rivers are always a great addition to dungeons.